Adrienne Haan

Conservatoire de Musique, Luxembourg

This concert describes Berlin during its Golden Age, the “roaring twenties”: The time of challenge and change with songs by Mischa Spoliansky, Friedrich Hollaender, Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Louis Prima and many more. Germany’s capital is considered the ‘wild town’ in which creativity, art, music and culture are thriving. It’s the era of Brecht and Weill’s Threepenny Opera, Fritz Lang’s silent movie success “Metropolis”, the discovery of Marlene Dietrich, portraying the role of the  “Naughty Lola” in Joseph von Sternberg’s world hit “The Blue Angel”. It is also the era of the Comedian Harmonists, Josephine Baker and her Charleston music, the Andrew Sisters as well as the American swing and jazz that are transforming Berlin and other major German cities from the old dust of the Kaiserreich to a modern metropolis. 

Haan combines all these genres and revives this exciting epoch by taking the audience on an enchantingly entertaining musical journey through music history. A high-speed show that won’t keep the audience in their seats, but rather makes them want to sing and swing along.

Accompanied by the Military Big Band of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, under musical direction by Raoul Christophe.

This concert is under the patronage of the German Embassy in Luxembourg.

Organized by the Fondation du Judaïsme Luxembourgeois

In cooperation with 1700 Years of Jewish Life in German Speaking Lands, the Consistoire Israélite du Luxembourg, and the Musique militaire grand-ducale.



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